What scale is Trench Crusade?

32mm heroic scale.

How big are the warbands?

You start a campaign with around 10 troopers. By the end of the Campaign, you

typically field a force of 20-25 models!

When is the Kickstarter for the main game and miniature range launched?

The date has not been announced as we want to honour our earlier KS first. But

expect the main Kickstarter in 2024, and sooner than you might think!

I would like to take part in the Playtest!

Excellent! We will first send the current playtest and warband rules to the backers of

our first KS, but will then release them to the general public a bit later on.

Which factions are playable in the Trench Crusade?

Thus far the Warbands of Principality of New Antioch, the Heretic Legion, Sultanate of

the Iron Wall, Cult of the Black Grail and the Trench Pilgrims have been announced.

What size is the gaming area?

Trench Crusade uses 3’ X 3’ and 4’X 4’sized tables.

What kind of terrain do I need?

Ruined buildings, low walls, sandbags, artillery craters, trees, bushes, wrecked tanks

and cannons, shrines, chapels, altars (both holy and unholy) and of course trenches are all

great! In general, the more terrain you have, the better the game will work. Verticality is

especially good for interesting gameplay.

Is Trench Crusade ok for children to play?

Trench Crusade has many dark themes including gore, and is intended for mature audiences.

Do I have to to use official Trench Crusade minis to play?

We encourage everyone to use whichever models they like, and to kitbash them to create your own unique warband.

I missed the Communicant Kickstarter, will those models ever be available again?

We have no plans as of right now, but they will likely return at some point.